Bachelor of Biblical Studies Curriculum (Four-Year Plan): 120 Units

Fall Semester (1st Semester) Spring Semester (2nd Semester)
Co. No. Courses Units Co. No. Courses Units
EN101 Developing Grammar Skills I영문법 I 3 EN102 Developing Grammar Skills II영문법 II 3
ET101 Introduction to Christian Ethics기독교 윤리학 개론 3 PT106 Introduction to Worship and Liturgy예배학 개론 3
Elective (선택과목) 3 Elective (선택과목) 3
Elective (선택과목) Elective (선택과목) 3
Elective (선택과목) Elective (선택과목) 3
Elective (선택과목) 3 Elective (선택과목) 3
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Fall Semester (3rd Semester) Spring Semester (4th Semester)
Co. No. Courses Units Co. No. Courses Units
OT101 Old Testament Survey구약개론 3 OT111 Pentateuch모세오경(창-신) 3
NT101 New Testament Survey신약개론 3 OT112 Old Testament Historical Books역사서(여호수아-에스더) 3
BI101 Introduction to Hermeneutics해석학 개론 3 NT111 The Gospels사복음서(마태-요한) 3
CD201 Westminster Shorter Catechism웨스트민스터 소요리문답 3 NT112 The Acts of the Apostles사도행전 3
BL101 Hebrew Grammar I히브리어 1 3 BL102 Hebrew Grammar II히브리어 2 3
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Fall Semester (5th Semester) Spring Semester (6th Semester)
Co. No. Courses Units Co. No. Courses Units
OT113 Poetic and Wisdom Literature시가서(욥기-아가서) 3 OT115 Minor Prophets소선지서(호세아-말라기) 3
OT114 Major Prophets대선지서(이사야-다니엘) 3 NT115 General Epistles I공동서신 I (야고보서-벧후) 3
NT113 Pauline Epistles I바울서신 I (롬-갈) 3 NT116 General Epistles II공동서신 II (요한일서-요한계시록) 3
NT114 Pauline Epistles II바울서신 II (고전-히) 3 CE101 Introduction to Christian Education기독교 교육학 개론 3
CH101 Survey of World Church History I교회사 1 3 CH102 Survey of World Church History II교회사 2 3
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Fall Semester (7th Semester) Spring Semester (8th Semester)
Co. No. Courses Units Co. No. Courses Units
ST101 Introduction to Systematic Theology I조직신학 개론 1 3 ST102 Introduction to Systematic Theology II조직신학 개론 2 3
BL105 Greek Grammar I헬라어 1 3 BL106 Greek Grammar II헬라어 2 3
Elective (선택과목) 3 Elective (선택과목) 3
Elective (선택과목)(PT151_Ministry Formation I)

사역실천 I

3 Elective (선택과목)(Thesis or PT201_Ministry Project I)

소논문 또는 사역 프로젝트 I

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Elective (선택과목)

EN121_Developing Reading Skills I (영문 강독 I)

EN122_ Developing Reading Skills II (영문 강독 II)

IS101_Introduction to World Missions (선교학 개론)

CH111_Korean Church History (한국 교회사)

CH115_Church History of the student’s Nation (각 나라 기독교 역사)

NT301_The Historical Background of the New Testament (신약 배경사)

PH101_Introduction to Philosophy (철학개론)

BT321_The Tabernacle (성막론)
